Friday, May 30, 2008

Reverand Pfleger Tells Probable Truth About Clinton At Church

I think it classic that the establishment media sees fit to send the dogs out to fetch and promulgate each and every opinion perceived to be contrary to their own. I think the right-wing media brain manipulators do more damage to themselves in trying to defame someone who represents change in this day and age. The world as a whole has evolved into a new collective intelligence. People are no longer blinded by the artificial light of mass manipulation. In other words, people are waking and seeing things as they really are. The truth is that this country's status quo and its leadership is on a sinking ship going nowhere fast. It would be feasible for the guardians of the status quo to try to be allied with those who call for a new day as a way to convert to the will of the sane. The day of cat calls that the emperor has on clothes are about over when everyone begins to recognize that the emperor is indeed nude! Only through the grace of God can we regain our place in the world and survive.

What Rev. Pfleger has said is no more than what I had thought many moons ago. I am probably not alone; it's a sentiment most likely shared by many others, regardless of race and creed. The truth is the light and severely wounds those who would manipulate it.

The truth is that the war is responsible for all of the latest ills of this U.S. culture. It has boosted the overall U.S. demand for untold energy (both manpower and fossil fuel). I clearly remember when countries around the world advised against this misguided war. We were lead into it on deceptive grounds and are totally mired. We, who have represented one of the greatest nations in the world, like Rome, has an Achilles' heel; and it is Karma!

"If my people, which are called by my name (Christians), shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." -- 2 Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Philadelphia Police Beat 3 Shooting Suspects

NY riots from Sean Bell Verdict!

Seven-year-old boy steals grandmother's SUV

Thankful -- Still

This is the third year since I was hospitalized with necrotizing infasciitis (the flesh-eating disease). I intend to repost this information every year as a living chronicle of what God has done for me when a chief surgeon had all but given me up for dead. It is a witness to God's grace and mercy.

It had been prophesied a long, long time ago that God intended to use me in a big way. I was told that I should trust and obey what God's will is for my life. Furthermore, in a validating move, He saved my life* about this time last year in a situation that was against all odds where the chief surgeon at a large nationally ranked hospital had predicted my demise and/or the loss of a limb. Wrong! I'm still here with all of my original equipment.
I have finally determined that I will start to more fully obey and go wherever He leads me. I think that includes His purpose for the content of this blog. So, enough already with the pointing out of that which borders on the sacreligious... enough of the comedy of the profane... and enough of the ignorant stuff. There are an overabundance of web sites that serve to tittilate the senses. I don't have time to spend time doing anything less than that which will glorify my Father. I now dedicate this blog to whatever it will take to inform and educate others in the way that I have been lead by the Spirit. This is the first step in doing just that!
Click Here!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Mariah Carey-Cannon — United

"Hollywood folks have for real lost their damn minds behind these publicity stunts. Nick Cannon’s stepmother Linda Cannon has confirmed to E! that Nick has indeed married the pink yet lavender butterfly that is Mariah Carey:

“Yes, we know,” she says. “He called us and told us all about it. We are happy for him. If that is what he wants then we are happy for him.”

I promise y’all I didn’t know until last week that Nick and MiMi even knew each other. And I know Selita is somewhere extra pissy that she dealt with his corny ass for a long minute and didn’t even get past the engagement. But he went and married MiMi like this ish was on a dare or something. Sources say the ultra private nuptials took place–with Da Brat in tow–at MiMi’s new Bahamas crib. I guess sneak-up weddings are the new black. Stop the madness Nariah.

Confused on how all this could happen? Check out the posts leading up to these “nuptials” here, here, here, and here. Still confused? Don’t worry–we are too."

From: The Young, Black, and Fabulous