Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jenae Veal - Atlanta Cancer Survivor

FOX MEDICAL TEAM: Young Cancer Survivor:

ATLANTA - There are a lot of adjectives to describe breast cancer. Sexy is usually not one of them. But Janae Veal wants to change that and inspire women facing cancer to see the inner beauty no disease can take away.

Breast cancer really cuts to the heart of a woman's identity. Janae Veal is a good example.

At 30, she was a fitness model who wanted to show the world how to be really strong but still feminine. Cancer changed her body, and took away her hair.

But Veal was determined it would not steal her belief she could still be beautiful.

"Today is my last chemo session. Woo hoo! I'm excited. I'm excited for the rest of my journey," said Janae Veal.

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