Thursday, August 29, 2013

God didn't bring us to the situation. Most often we have been our own worst enemies. Why is it that we have to feel as if we are in between a rock and a hard place before we turn to God for help. It's not his problem(s). We are most often OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES from the ego-pleasing decisions we make that give us immediate satisfaction rather than satisfying the spirit that dwells within our temporal bodies. It''s especially bad when we have ignored the voice of the Holy Spirit that guides us in all we do. We live our lives by choice. The life we live is a matter of our own choosing. Start making the right decisions immediately, no matter how difficult, and we can experience heaven on earth in our tomorrows BEFORE WE DIE. He only cleans our house and provides second chances because his mercy endures FOREVER. Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!

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