Thursday, March 12, 2015

BJG: LeAndria Johnson sings "God Will Take Care Of You" live! (2013)

Glory to God! I had just discovered this song and must admit was shedding a few tears when I got a text message from my brother, Ezra Bufford​, telling me that my brother, Ronald Alexander​, was back at  Carol's & Everybody's Barber Shop​, Indianapolis, as if he hadn't been sick a day in his life. Why did he text me that? I already knew he was discharged from Veteran's Hospital yesterday! It was nothing less than God's way to remind me to give Him the glory in the same manner that I had posted it on FB just a few days ago! Now, I'm "sheddin' tears, nose runnin', and feet smellin' when my feet should be runnin' and my nose smellin'--I don't really know which, but one thing that I DO know is that God is GOOD, His mercy extends from everlasting to everlasting and that you/we can depend on Him. I thank Him for being great in our lives and always on time. Ron, told me yesterday that he panicked because he thought he was dying just yesterday while at the hospital. And, today he is back at work? Thank you for all of the prayers you sent in our direction! TODAY, THIS DAY is the day the Lord has made. Let us REJOICE and be glad in it! His goodness and mercy follows me and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever even as a doorkeeper!

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