Sunday, July 6, 2014

Twinkie Clark - I Found Jesus

It's a popular misconception that Black people cannot unite for
anything! Some believe it's because of the crab syndrome. Others believe
it's due to the far-reaching vestiges of slave mentality. It is time to
call the devil a Liar. We unify more than most people in doing what we
band together to do--every year. Who? The National Baptist Convention,
The Church of God In Christ, the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World,
Nation of Islam convention, the AMEZion church, etc. The list of Black
religious and secular organizations who conduct yearly conferences is
vast and many have attendees numbering into the tens of thousands. The
stereotype that we can't unify for anything is a blatant LIE! More on
this topic will be forthcoming. --Charles R. Alexander

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